Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why Dick's is better than In-N-Out

Ah, the heated debate: which is better Dick's or In-N-Out?

I've eaten at both places, multiple times, over a span of 10+ years. I've come to the conclusion that Dick's is better than In-N-Out.

Here's why (in no particular order):

  • I can get Dick's whenever I want. I have to go 2 states away to get In-N-Out.
  • In-N-Out fries have the taste and texture of cardboard. Dick's fries are greasy and delicious.
  • Dick's is cheaper.
  • I can get Dick's until 2AM (only 1AM at In-N-Out)
  • I have to wait forever with a bunch of snobby, pretentious, "my shit doesn't stink", ass holes to get my food at In-N-Out. It's California. Go figure.
  • The grand opening of the new Dick's had over 700 people waiting at 8AM
  • Those same snobby, pretentious etc. guys argue that In-N-Out is better because they have "quality ingredients" and therefore a healthier product. Check THIS out.

Dick's Deluxe                  In-N-Out Double Double
Calories - 540                  670
Fat - 34g                          41g
Sodium - 700mg              1440mg

Hmm... interesting.

Shame on you for automatically assuming that I don't like In-N-Out. I do like it. A double double animal style is delicious. All I'm saying is give me a Dick's deluxe any day over that.

Disagree? I triple dog dare you put your argument here. I bet you won't have the double doubles to, In-N-Out lover. =P

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Things I'll miss while on vacation

I'm on vacation for the next couple of weeks. Here are a few things I'll miss from work.

Is the Jap is in this salad organic?

I LOVE plums!

Oh, they're actually beets.

Students make me smile so much. I hope to get more pictures of this kind of stuff up in the future.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's been awhile

Hey folks, it's been awhile, I know. I've been busy and to be honest there hasn't been stuff for me to rant about. I woke up Sunday morning talking to a dear friend, and this just happened to pop into my head. It made me smile and I hope it does the same for you.

Monday, October 3, 2011


I went on a cruise last weekend. More on that later. You need some history first.
Let me say first that I'm not really a fan of cruises. There's not much to unless you're super rich and can afford to go on all the shore excursions. There's not much to do on the boat unless you're old or really young. I usually get bored after the first night on a boat. Then there's the chances of getting sick on the boat, not from sea sickness, but from the fact that you're on a contained vessel and if someone on board is sick, you're likely to eventually get sick as well. I also hate lots of people and especially hate lots of rude people. Old people are rude in general. They can't help it. I still don't have to like it.

The things I do like about cruises and what makes me go back to them:
You can find pretty good deals and they can be pretty cheap. The customer service is amazing. The food is pretty solid for the most part and it's included in your base fee. It's great for me to sample many things if I haven't tried whatever before.

With that said. There aren't many things I like about them, so when I go on a cruise. I expect those few things to be great.

I've been on quite a few cruises for my short cruising carrier. I've been to Mexico once or twice (I can't remember), the Virgin Islands, a short Pacific Northwest one, and two to Alaska. The lines I've been on have been Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, and Norwegian. All of these have been amazing. Until I went on the most recent line. Holland America.

This is my second cruise with Holland America. Last year Christi and I went to Alaska. I love Alaska so it made up for sub par food on board as well as the sub par service. Apparently I forgot about this when my parents asked if we wanted to go on a short Pacific Northwest cruise.

I have never seen so many rude staff members in my life. Fellow cruise members were requesting what I was consider to be "normal" things on a cruise. I saw so much eye rolling from staff members as well as staff members pointing and complaining about cruiser in front of them! At one point in the buffet line, I asked for "scrambled eggs and bacon, please". The young lady dished up some eggs for me and forgot my bacon. I said, "I'm sorry, but I could I get some bacon too please?" I've been there, I've worked in customer service for over a decade. This young lady sighed and rolled her eyes, threw some bacon on my plate and then proceeded to toss my plate at me. That's just what happened to me. I saw many other examples of similar actions directed to others. Along with that, calling the front desk was basically useless. We requested to have something sent to the room. They told us it would take up to an hour because they were busy. 2 hours later we called back inquiring about our request. It hadn't even been processed yet. I heard others on the boat complaining about the same thing. Also there was a huge line on the last day of the cruise with complaints about charges to peoples' accounts that they had no idea what they were.

The food was crap. I understand trying to put out 650 dinners at once (there were 1300 people on the boat with I believe 2 dinner seatings) is a big task and sometimes quality isn't top notch. It's no big deal if something is wrong with the food when it happens once. It happens. However, when I see on a consistent basis throughout an entire week, proteins that isn't properly cooked, vegetables that are so overcooked that they fibers are breaking down, sauces that are over reduced or broken, rotting and oxidized garnishes and inconsistencies in serving sizes of the same dishes on the same table.... I get mad. I'm mad because whoever is in charge in the kitchen, doesn't give a shit. That person doesn't give a shit with the food that's coming out, and doesn't give a shit who cares. A weeks worth of food in the dining room, consistently looked like shit and didn't taste much better.

With all of this said. I would still recommend people to go on a cruise. It can be a great experience if you're into that kind of thing (remember I'm not). However, I will never and will never recommend anyone go on a Holland America cruise again.

Holland America sucks.

I wish I took a crap in the pool.