Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Christi and I didn't watch the first half in the theater, because we hate that "to be continued" shit. We decided to do a Harry Potter marathon this last week and then watch the last one over the weekend. I'd like to say that was a lot of Harry Potter to watch and at some points I wanted to kill myself.

Quick review.

I've read all the books and I'm a big fan. All the past movies were fun but I'll have to be cliche and say that the books are way better (as they usually are). HP7.1 pissed me off. Why? Mainly because Harry and Hermione spent a good 40 minutes not doing a damn thing and then Ron came back and they did nothing again for another 10 minutes. I watched HP7.1 RIGHT before HP7.2 and I think it left a bad taste in my mouth. I mean they just stretched part one out JUST to split the movie into two so they could make a shit ton more money. I get that, but damn give me something at least!


HP7.2 didn't disappoint. You got what you got from the other Harry Potter movies. You got action, little substance, and a slight acting improvement from the prior movie. And the ghost chick at the end was hot! Necrophilia? Yes please. Basically it's a great summer movie. If you have 2 hours to spare and you've watched the others, do it. It's fun.

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