Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The season of giving

Every year around this time, I start to hear it. People talking about the "season of giving". I guess it's that time of year where we're reminded that there are people in the world that aren't as fortunate as others. Does it make you feel good to donate during the holidays?

It should. You're doing a great thing! You're sacrificing something that you have or earned to give it to someone who needs it more than you do. So many people feel great this time of year and donate so much stuff!

... so much stuff that places have to turn stuff away.

What about the other 9 months out of year?

"annually" That means every year.
Apparently people don't need food and coats during January through October.

I'm sure you've heard me go off about this before. People need "stuff" ALL. YEAR. ROUND. I've heard that "it's tougher during the holiday season". I'm pretty sure being hungry, cold and homeless sucks all year round. Some organizations have to turn volunteers and donations away during the holiday time. Last time I checked a year was 12 months, not only 3. Where I work we feed shelters 365 days a year. We need volunteers every weekend. When do we get them? Thanksgiving and Christmas day. Sure we get some here and there, but mostly it's during those two days and we have turn people away. I've even told people to come back the next weekend during New Years, and they don't show up.

Why does this happen? Why do people only give around the holiday times? I don't get it.

I really really encourage you and others that donate or volunteer during the holiday season to not do it this year. I guarantee there won't be a shortage of stuff. Instead save what you were going to donate this year and do it in March. Do it in June. Do it during a time when everyone else isn't doing it. That'll make it even more special. Spread that love out over the year, people. That'll make a big difference.

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