Monday, July 25, 2011

Captain America

If you know me at all, you know I'm a nerd (shocking). If you know me a little better you know that I've been looking forward to the Captain America movie for years now. Well it just came out this weekend and I saw it opening night. This isn't really going to be a review, but more of a commentary on how people are reviewing this movie.

The movie has been getting mixed reviews from movie critics and people I know. Sure, I'm very bias because I love Captain America. I don't have as much knowledge about Cap like I do say the X-men (X-men movies rant inevitable), but I've read a share of the comics and I'm a big fan. I thought about it and it really makes a difference if you're a fan of Cap or not prior to seeing the movie.

Here are some negative specific things I've heard/read about movie (from people that can actually discuss something instead of just saying "it's awesome" or "it sucks") and why those things don't matter to a Cap fan (paraphrased).

Complaint: "Cap has lame powers"
Why this is a stupid complaint: DUH! Cap doesn't have powers. That's what makes him awesome. He is a super hero that has no powers. The super soldier serum gave him peak human abilities. He's just a regular dude who can kick your ass the old fashioned way.

Complaint: "The movie is cheesy"
Why this is a stupid complaint: Cap IS cheesy! That's why I love him. He a freakin' boy scout. He always does what he thinks is right. He's always the underdog. He says cheesy things. He represents the fighting spirit of America (not the country as a lot of people think). It's called a character for a reason people.

Complaint: "Didn't have a decent plot" (nod to my bud Tony)
Why this is a stupid complaint: Comic book movie. Saving the world is the plot. Give me a comic book movie about NOT good versus evil. Come on.

I think you get the point.

If you're not a fan of Captain America before you see the movie, you might be disappointed. You may expect him to have super powers and be cool and stuff. That's not going to happen.

Fans of Cap will love this movie because it's it captured the essence of Steve Rogers and the comic books. It's a story about the man, his character, and what he does because it's what's right. Is that cheesy? Yes. Is he lame? Absolutely. He's the always underdog that has no real super powers and fights in a "world" against evil with more power than he does, but he still fights because it's the right thing to do. This is why I love him and the movie that I think portrayed that very well.

1 comment:

  1. My comment about the plot was specifically about things that were missing :) E.g. they never told us what the blue cube was and where it came from even though it was central to the plot of the movie. I still have no idea what that thing was. That being said, I think you are right... the only comic book movie I really like is Batman, because its based in reality (no super powers, no "special serum") and not some utterly preposterous premises :)
