Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Grey's Anatomy

Netflix, oh netflix, how you are awesome on so many levels. You make it so I can watch all sorts of movies I want to, whenever I want to with your "instant watch". I love how we can watch things that bring me back to childhood, like Short Circuit and Ghostbusters, or new favorites like Firefly and The Boondock Saints! But then you have to go fuck up our relationship and allow Christi to watch shows like...

...Grey's Anatomy.

I do not like this show. It's been playing at the house for a few weeks now because you can get all the seasons on instant watch. I hear it in the background and sometimes get sucked in because I'm confused on who's doing who at this point and who's butt hurt about what. Please understand that I don't want to know what's going on, but since it's on in the background and Christi watches it while I'm going to sleep, I've just absorbed the information. I can't help it.

I think the whole idea of the show was taking a "who's doing who" kind of show and just throwing it into a hospital setting under the guise of "quality drama". It seems that 80% of the show is showing medical traumas that have nothing to do with anything and the last 20% is spent on moving "plot line" and "character development". They seem like horrible people... here's what I've learned. **SPOILERS**

This is Merideth Grey -
I've gathered the show is supposed to be about her cause her name is in the title of the show. Which is weird because I don't seem to see her much. She's a surgeon. She's a super whore. She likes to break up marriages I think.

This is some Asian broad. I think her name is something like Chin, Chang, or Lee =/

She's seems to be less whorish cause she only slept with like one of her bosses.

This is Izzie -
She's fucking crazy. She sees dead people. They totally ripped that off of Sixth Sense. Also a whore.

Then there are THESE two douche bags.

These are the guys for the girls to do... and because there are too many damn chicks in that hospital. Man whores.

Token Black... look out she's got "attitude"! Surprisingly not a whore!

Looks a dude, but is really a whiney girl. Tranny whore.

Married that "dude" above then turned into a lesbian. Lesbian whore.
Then there's "Lick"

Christi and I call her "Lick", because she's hot... and I'd like to lick her (not anywhere specific, sickos). Hot whore.

It's a good thing they work in a hospital because all they have all the medication they'd need to clear up any VD they got from each other.

To recap a typical episode:
Someone sleeps someone, someone gets mad about it, 45 mintes of "medical trauma", people die, a stupid songs plays with a voice over monologue about something profound they learned or some shit like that.

Quality tv. Thanks a lot ABC. Thanks to the people of Netflix for making it more accessible for my wife.


  1. Grey's Anatomy is such a great show. The plot line is really well written. Come on Ben...just embrace it ;)

  2. I want to lodge a complaint. Ghostbusters IS STILL NOT ON instant streaming.


    I got very excited about this... Am Disappoint Son.

  3. Not anymore at least.

    Still disappointed.

    2008?!?! Ancient internet history.

    1/2 Apology
