Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Theater etiquette

Theater etiquette. I know there are some dos and don'ts. I figured somethings were pretty obvious. I was wrong. Over the past few years I've learned that some things are ok to do, because I've seen fellow audience members (who obviously go to more theather than I do) do them.

Here's a list of things I've seen or expereinced first hand by/from other theater patrons. I don't go to a lot of shows, so I'm assuming these things are ok to do.

1. Bringing a newborn baby to a show. When the kid starts crying you can just pass it down the row to a family member until one of them gets the kid to stop.
2. Whipping out your tit and breast feeding said newborn baby, then passing it up and down the row.
3. Singing a long very loudly to the songs that you know from the show.
4. Giving a standing ovation to a show that sucked
5. Wearing a short skirt, but not crossing your legs while you're sitting, so anyone that happens to turn around gets a great view of your grooming habits.
6. Using your phone, to take video and audio.
7. Allowing your child to fall out of their seat and landing in the row onto the person's head in front of them. Not once, not twice, but three times.
8. Coughing and spitting on the patron next to you throughout the show, but oddly enough not during intermission.
9. Making out.
10. Pulling out a giant burrito wrapped in tin foil and eating half of it only to eat the other half during the second act.

Going to the theater is fun!

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