Friday, July 15, 2011

Leave your kids at home

I saw this article on yahoo the other day and it made me happy. If you're too lazy to click the link, it's basically talking about a restaurant close to Pittsburg that has banned children under the age of 6.

I love this idea. I hope it becomes the trend. Don't get me wrong, I love kids. If you know me at all you'd know this. It's not the kids fault here. What I can't stand are parents that can't control their kids and take them out in public. It's ridiculous to see parents have an arguement with a misbehaving child! Tell your kid to shut the hell up or leave. It's pretty simple to me. Why can't you take your kid and leave? I don't care if you wanted to go out. Teach your kids some manners first. Get someone to watch your kid that can't behave. Remember when you had a kid and that should be your first priority now? Man people piss me off.

Then there are the parents who leave the parenting to some distraction instead. Have we become that lazy as a society where we can't get our own kids to behave without a cell phone, ipad, gameboy to keep them occupied? I for sure don't want to be going to have a nice dinner where the kids at the table next to me are making "bloop bloop" noise with whatever electronic device they've been spoiled with.

It drives me insane.  I remember being little and my parents making sure that my sister and I were behaved, sat still and quiet at the table with no form of entertainment and we just did it. Why can't parents do that now? If I even thought about misbehaving in public, I would've had consequences.

I hope this catches on and becomes a trend. Not just for the sake of customers, but for the sake of the kids who's lazy ass parents can't teach them to shut up when they should. Leave your kids at home if you don't feel like doing something about your kid. Better yet, don't have anymore kids and give the one you have up for adoption.


  1. I saw that Yahoo article too, and also thought it was awesome. Except, for me, it IS because I hate kids.

  2. haha. It's not a bad idea. It wont become the norm because a lot of family-friendly restaurants would lose a lot of business. But I could totally see more up-scale restaurants doing it!

    And I do find your rants about kids entertaining.

  3. oh, and I totally thought the same thing about ipads/cell phones for kids until I had a 2 year old. COme back to this post when your kids are 2 or 3 :)
